I do love this beautiful flower. It looks hard to ink but actually I found a super easy way to ink it with all the different colours.
First I got a sponge dauber (page 192 in the catalogue) put it on my finger and dipped it into a Summer Sun Classic ink pad and daubed it onto the petals.
I then took a different dauber (you can just rince the original dauber and pat dry if you want to re-use it), dipped it into a Ruby Red classic ink pad and daubed overtop the Summer Sun.
I took a third dauber, inked it with Old Olive and daubed the stem
Finally I daubed the center of the coneflower with Close to Cocoa ink.
It was super easy and all the ink went where it was suppose to go. You could use markers too but this gives a softer more blended look. I finished this card off with lots of paper piercing (done using the Mat Pack on page 191 in the catalogue)